Review of InterviewGold Online Interview Training

Have you got an interview coming up and want to make sure of the offer? Perhaps you struggle with competency based interviews? Unsure what to say or worry about going blank?

InterviewGold has been helping candidates into jobs since 2006. Developed by interview coaching specialists, it is a powerful online resource at your fingertips.

Read on to learn more.

InterviewGold - Online Interview Training

Using InterviewGold to Help With Your Preparation

So you have a Job Interview coming and you are looking for help with your preparation. Where do you go? Well you have a whole range of websites offering tips and advice but just how relevant is this for you and do you really have the time to search for all those pages on Google?

You could buy a book from Amazon, paperback or Kindle however you would be limited to the advice from just that author. You could of course attend classroom training but of course this can be expensive.

An alternative option which is practical and proven to work is the InterviewGold Online Interview Training system.

As featured in Personnel Today and The Guardian and on the BBC.

You can practice answering interview questions relevant to your job, you can take part in video mock interviews and record yourself with a webcam and you get access to training materials created by industry specialists.

About InterviewGold Online Training

Ok so if you are not familiar with the system here are some background information about the system.

• First launched in 2006
• Developed by HR specialists alongside recruiters in various industries
• Continuously updated with new questions and features
• Content is job specific with most sectors and jobs covered
• Used by universities and promoted by, TelegraphJobs and Wikijobs
• Reported 92% success rate by jobseekers who used it

Answer Builder Tool Actually Writes Your Responses

One of the most important features is an answer builder tool that writes responses you can use on any application or in any interview.  Recently upgraded, it uses a combination of their own algorithm built up over 18 years plus AI to generate answers which are of very good quality.

It accesses their database of over 10,000 interview questions and answers plus a huge bank of resources to not only present you with likely questions. It then creates sample answers for you and feedback suggest the output is pretty close to what is expected by recruiters.

It also creates STAR examples for competency and behaviour questions.

So, What Else is Good About It?

An important feature is that it is tailored to your job. So when you log into your account you will be asked certain questions about your interview, what job type are you applying for? What level is the job? Is it your first job? The system then uses these selections to create training for you.

For example you get to practice with a series of mock interviews with questions and answers specifically for you and your interview. People who have used the system have given feedback saying about 80% of the questions come up in the real interview.

Is My Job covered?

First thing to say is that it covers a whole range of jobs from Civil Service and Government roles at all levels, Accounting, Banking, Customer Services, Engineering, Medical, Nursing right through to Sales.

It’s also tailored to the level you are applying at so for example if going for a Graduate role you get relevant content or if going for a Senior role you would select that option. You can see the list of jobs on the InterviewGold site here.

92% Success Rate Reported

It has been used by thousands of jobseekers so far and surveys say the 92% of them attribute their job offers to the training. Not a bad result and even if you don’t get a job from it straight away you will learn skills which are certainly useful for any future interviews.

Undoubtedly it won’t work for everyone. It probably depends on your experience. If you are one of those people who fly through interviews and always come out on top then you won’t benefit much. However for those who struggle with interviews or have been rejected then it could potentially make a difference.

Interview Training Can Have A Huge Impact

Any form of Interview training can be very powerful and can make a huge difference to you getting the job or not. The optimum would be some form of 1-2-1 help however this can be very expensive with some companies charging hundreds for a couple of hours.

InterviewGold online gives you professional interview training without the high cost. You get 12 months access to all the features and mock interviews for £69. When you consider you could get a job quicker or get a job for life it’s actually very good value.

With InterviewGold Online you will undoubtedly be better prepared and knowing the questions and answers can certainly help you feel more relaxed and confident.

Sounds Good – How Do I Get It?

You can sign up in just a few minutes.

Visit the InterviewGold site, click on the jobs drop down list to the right of the page, select you job and sign up.

Click here to get started with InterviewGold Online Today

P.S And you can access your interview Gold account from any device at any time at anytime, from anywhere in the world. You don’t download anything it’s all there in your browser. You just need to log in using your email and password.

Good Luck
I hope this article was useful and I wish you Job interview success.